umberto group


Umberto Group's product, Umberto OSIE, is an AI-empowered Open-Source Intelligence Engine that untangles and analyzes the webs of media-distributed messages and the public's sentiment toward them. By streamlining the quantifying opinion factories' product and social media messages into adaptable and visually clear graphs and dashboards, Umberto OSIE allows corporate, nonprofit, governmental, and individual information consumers to create a clear image (notion, illustration, vision, portrayal) of how messages get constructed, disseminated, consumed, and responded to.
Using easily programmed and adaptable software, we streamline sentiment analysis and media monitoring through AI-driven techniques. We provide convenient, affordable, intuitive tools to discover and investigate hidden, ambiguous narratives and news trends. We employ machine learning techniques and algorithms but avoid "black boxes," and our processes are transparent. We report accuracy metrics along with our sentiment analysis and invite the public to navigate and control the powerful AI and its influence on our lives.
We keep an eye on the opinion factories, overlaying them on opinions and consumers' sentiments, providing invaluable insights into the evolution of the public's perception of reality (events). Our clients are policy-makers, PR and marketing managers, private investors, and analysts.
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